J'adore L'amour

How is one supposed to act when presented with news that completely and utterly breaks their heart all at once but will benefit the other person giving the news? Obviously the “socially correct” response would be to understand that this is beneficial to them and that you have to put your feelings of upset to the side because otherwise you are considered “selfish”. In all seriousness, is there really any correct response to that? I don’t think so. Human nature is as simple as that. Each and every person will always react differently, and there is no stopping that. It is so difficult for some to overcome such intense emotional mountains! How in the world is one supposed to just tell their brain, “okay stop being sad right now”? You can’t really because your brain is battling with itself. All the emotional signals in your brain are communicating back and…

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My exact sentiments…

I haven’t written in a while and I apologize for my absence.

Lately, I have been feeling alone. I’ve been around people, but I’ve been feeling isolated from people and from the world. I know everyone goes through a time like this, but how long is it supposed to last? I have many things on my plate and I am grateful for the things I have, but I feel like something is missing. I don’t know what that something is. I am unhappy with a lot of things but I don’t share my unhappiness with anyone but myself. I don’t tell people a lot of things because I know they have things going on, and listening to me might not make them happy. I always listen to people and give the best advice (ego boost, sorry), but I cannot, for the life of me, listen to my own advice. I feel like a little but unloved. The ironic thing is that the holidays are near, and I should be feeling all the love in the world.

The sun is shining right now but all is I see is darkness. Perhaps I am under a lot of stress, more than usual. Perhaps I need to see the brighter side of things. Perhaps I need another cup of coffee. I don’t know. Emotionally I am hurting all over the place. It’s the weirdest thing-because I cannot pinpoint the reason(s). I just can’t.

I’m going to keep myself busy so I don’t think about this for a while.

Awakening soul

I haven’t written in a while and I apologize for my absence.

Lately, I have been feeling alone. I’ve been around people, but I’ve been feeling isolated from people and from the world. I know everyone goes through a time like this, but how long is it supposed to last? I have many things on my plate and I am grateful for the things I have, but I feel like something is missing. I don’t know what that something is. I am unhappy with a lot of things but I don’t share my unhappiness with anyone but myself. I don’t tell people a lot of things because I know they have things going on, and listening to me might not make them happy. I always listen to people and give the best advice (ego boost, sorry), but I cannot, for the life of me, listen to my own advice. I…

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